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Curriculum Intent

Our Curriculum Intent

At Beech Academy, we are committed to ensuring that all of our pupils engage in a curriculum that develops interest, curiosity and creativity, and removes barriers. For our pupils to be successful in life, we believe they need to be strong readers and have a sense of their place within the world they live; experiences to make sense of it and the confidence to make virtuous decisions.

Our curriculum intends to:

  • Provide a solid foundation in writing and mathematics and prioritise reading. When pupils build firm foundations in these areas, they find it easier to access the wider curriculum and the world in which they live;
  • Enable all students to participate in a broad and balanced curriculum;
  • Ensure pupils secure a range of strategies that increase their independence and provide them with the skills that will enable them to be successful in both education and beyond;
  • Build concepts sequentially and revisit key concepts over time to support pupils in developing and practicing the knowledge needed to access subjects in later years and make sense of new learning;
  • Provide a broad range of academic and personal development experiences to develop character and help pupils make sense of the world in which they live;
  • Ensure pupils understand the importance of their physical and mental health so that they can take responsibility for their well-being;
  • Teach our pupils about our core values so that they can contribute positively to the community in which they live and make a lasting contribution to society.

The intent of the curriculum at Beech Academy is summarised in our curriculum intent statement:

“At Beech Academy, we are committed to ensuring that all of our pupils engage in a curriculum that develops interest, curiosity, creativity and removes barriers. There is a strong emphasis on developing fundamental skills in literacy and numeracy alongside developing conceptual understanding and rich knowledge across a broad range of subjects. The curriculum is enhanced by high-quality experiences that aim to develop pupils’ cultural capital and give them first-hand experiences that otherwise might not be possible.

Every pupil is recognised as a unique individual and the curriculum is designed to meet their individual needs. All of our pupils will develop the skills to become contributing citizens to society and live out our core values of; Ambition, Integrity, Inclusivity, Endeavour and Resilience on a daily basis. Our curriculum will enhance the social mobility chances of all our pupils to ensure they make lasting contributions to society and enable them to turn ‘I can't into I can.’