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Key Stage 3

A Novel Study approach has been adopted at Beech Academy to deliver the Key Stage 3 curriculum.

Novel Study is the approach for the teaching of English. Pupils spend up to a term reading a particular novel that is chosen to provide an appropriate level of challenge and cover a range of genres over the key stage.

Areas of pupils learning environments are converted to reflect the novel they are studying, getting pupils excited and ready to learn all about the novel. The text is explored through the use of immersive learning experiences: drama, speaking and listening activities and shared reading activities, for example. Reading is taught through a variety of ways using this approach.

The maths curriculum has been designed to ensure that children have schemes of learning that are challenging and aspirational and that develop the key concepts needed to lead towards accreditation pathways in Key Stage 4 while meeting the requirements of the KS3 National Curriculum. Importantly, it has been designed to help prepare pupils for independent living.

All other subjects link to the novel that is being covered in some way to ensure that knowledge ‘sticks’.

Knowledge is developed through teaching that includes principles of repetition and interrogation for eventual long-term memory retention which is supported by appropriate Knowledge Organisers.

At Beech Academy we develop pupils’ Cultural Capital through the Beech Pledge. The Beech Pledge aims to develop the body of knowledge children need to succeed in life. Pledges include a wide variety of educational visits and experiences including; residential visits, touring theatre groups, pantomimes, author visits, charity fundraising as well as a plethora of school-based activities such as forest school and visiting guest speakers. These activities give pupils the platform to succeed in different environments / alternative scenarios while providing them with opportunities to learn new skills. Pupils also have the opportunity to develop their personal, social and communication skills through these activities, some of which are in partnership with other educational establishments.

Use the links below to explore the novels that are being studied by each year group or class.